
Gorakhpur’s ADM FR court probes Rs 100 crore stamp duty evasion involving a power of attorney.

Court Issues Notices in Major Stamp Duty Evasion Case

In Gorakhpur, a significant stamp duty evasion case involving approximately Rs 100 crores has come under scrutiny. The ADM FR court has issued notices in six cases related to this evasion, primarily linked to power of attorney transactions. Despite the notices being served, no objections have been filed so far. The court is now set to hear these cases, which could potentially pose significant legal challenges for Rameshwar Prasad Tripathi from Allahabad, who facilitated the power of attorney agreements.

Case Background: Allegations and Legal Proceedings

The issue surfaced in March when a case was filed following the detection of stamp duty evasion. Hearings initially scheduled in the DM and ADM courts were delayed due to the Lok Sabha elections. The most recent court date was on May 24, 2024. During this period, notices were dispatched to the concerned parties. With the elections concluded, the court has resumed hearings, and all related files have been requested. An order in this matter is anticipated later this month.

Details of the Stamp Duty Evasion

The crux of the case lies in the underpayment of stamp duty at the registration office. Rameshwar Prasad Tripathi’s firm acquired the rights to sell approximately 9.37 hectares of land and a bungalow from the Amar Jung Thapa family of Kathmandu, Nepal, through power of attorney agreements. These agreements were executed under outdated stamp duty regulations, despite a revised ordinance that took effect on December 28, 2023.

The evasion came to light through an investigation prompted by a complaint on the Jansunwai portal by an advocate. Separate powers of attorney were created for 15 members of the Thapa family. While each transaction required a stamp duty payment of Rs 5,99,18,880, only Rs 100 was paid. In total, the evasion amounted to Rs 102,71,71,800 in unpaid fees across all cases.

Ongoing Investigation and Anticipated Outcomes

With the legal proceedings now active, the court’s focus is on resolving the discrepancies and holding accountable those involved in the evasion. The outcome of these hearings could set a precedent for handling similar cases in the future and ensure adherence to updated stamp duty regulations. The court is expected to issue its orders on this significant case soon, potentially leading to severe implications for the parties involved.

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