Geo-Tagged-Photos-to-Prevent-Stamp-Fraud-in-Property-Registry-in Uttar-Pradesh
Geo-Tagged-Photos-to-Prevent-Stamp-Fraud-in-Property-Registry-in Uttar-Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh’s Stamp and Registration Department introduces geo-tagged photos and new software to prevent property registration fraud and stamp theft.

New Software to Combat Stamp Theft in Property Registrations

The Uttar Pradesh Stamp and Registration Department is taking significant steps to prevent stamp theft and repeated registrations of the same property. A new software, currently being developed by the Remote Sensing Department, will incorporate geo-tagged photos in the property registration process. This initiative is expected to address the 10-15% annual stamp theft cases identified within the state’s 32 lakh yearly registrations.

How the Geo-Tagging System Will Work

The software, anticipated to launch within the next month, will enhance the accuracy and transparency of property registrations. Instead of the standard photos previously used, the new system will require geo-tagged images of the property. These images will pinpoint the property’s exact location and include a virtual map of a 200-meter radius around it. This detailed information will help in calculating the appropriate stamp duty and provide the Stamp and Registration Department with comprehensive property data.

A Mobile Application for Enhanced Security

This innovative system will function through a mobile application that individuals can download when registering their property. The application will capture the geo-tagged photo, which will then be integrated into the registry. Additionally, the app will generate a QR code linked to the property’s information. During the registration process, officials will scan the QR code to access the full details of the property, ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of the transaction.

Preventing Fraudulent Sales and Re-Registrations

Beyond preventing stamp theft, this software will also tackle the issue of fraudulent property sales and repeated registrations of the same property. The system will include features to track the sale history of a property, allowing users to see when and to whom the property was last sold, as well as its current ownership status. Buyers will receive a login password for secure access to this information, adding an extra layer of protection against fraudulent transactions.

Final Steps Before Implementation

ccording to a senior official from the Stamp and Registration Department, the software is nearly ready for deployment. A security audit is scheduled to take place in the coming days to ensure the software’s reliability and effectiveness. Once the audit is complete and any necessary adjustments are made, the software will be officially launched, marking a significant advancement in the state’s efforts to combat property registration fraud.

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