
The Registration and Stamp Department in Jaipur issues recovery notices to ten individuals for underpaying stamp duty during document registration in the Sanganer Sub Registrar area. Failure to settle the outstanding amount promptly may result in property attachment and auction.

Legal Action for Stamp Duty Defaults in Jaipur

The Registration and Stamp Department in Jaipur has initiated legal action against ten individuals who, while registering documents such as registries and lease deeds in the Sanganer Sub Registrar area, paid insufficient stamp duty. The department has served recovery notices to the defaulters, demanding payment of the outstanding amount, failing which their properties may face attachment and auction.

Outstanding Dues Amounting to Rs 74.38 Lakh

The defaulters collectively owe the concerned department an amount totaling Rs 74,38,640. Deputy Inspector General (Stamp) Jyoti Chauhan stated that these parties have neglected to clear their dues for an extended period. In the absence of prompt payment, the department is prepared to take further action, including the attachment of properties.

Ensuring Timely Compliance

The recovery notices have emphasized the importance of settling the outstanding dues within the stipulated timeframe. The Registration and Stamp Department is committed to upholding the integrity of the stamp duty collection process, ensuring compliance with legal obligations.

Potential Consequences for Non-Compliance

Failure to meet the payment deadline may lead to severe consequences, including the attachment and subsequent auctioning of the defaulters’ properties. The department’s proactive measures aim to enforce financial responsibility and maintain the integrity of the stamp duty system.

Conclusion: Upholding Financial Accountability

The recent actions by the Registration and Stamp Department of Jaipur, underscore the significance of adhering to legal obligations related to stamp duty payments. As the recovery notices are served, individuals are urged to promptly settle their outstanding dues to avoid potential legal consequences and safeguard their properties.

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