
Ahmedabad: In a recent development, the High Court has postponed the hearing of a petition that questions the validity of the government’s stamp duty regulation on properties acquired in the period from 1982 to 2001. Chief Justice Sunita Aggarwal’s bench has rescheduled the hearing for September 15. The petition contends that the imposition of stamp duty by the government is both unjust and unlawful, impacting a significant number of property holders across the state.

The Action Group of India has brought a public interest petition to the forefront, highlighting the predicament of individuals who procured properties during the years 1982 to 2001. These properties were purchased through allotment letters and hence, remained undocumented. The government’s decision to levy stamp duty on such undocumented properties has raised concerns, effectively causing property owners to incur double charges. This verdict has cast its shadow on a staggering 11 lakh individuals. The government was previously instructed by the High Court to furnish a response, with the hearing now scheduled for September 15.

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