
The West Bengal government’s Bangla Sahayata Kendras (BSK) are set to expand their services, providing Aadhaar enrolment, SBSTC and NBSTC bus ticket bookings, and facilitating deed searches and e-payment of stamp duty. This move aims to offer 282 services, ensuring efficient governance at citizens’ doorsteps.

Enhanced Services Unveiled at Bangla Sahayata Kendras (BSK)

The West Bengal state government is transforming its Bangla Sahayata Kendras (BSK) into comprehensive service centers, offering an array of services to citizens. The initiative includes the introduction of Aadhaar enrolment, SBSTC and NBSTC bus ticket booking, deed searching, and e-payment options for stamp duty and deed registration.

Expanding BSK Services

With 3,561 BSKs spread across the state, citizens can now access 282 services free of cost, bringing governance closer to their doorsteps. The primary objective is to cater to individuals who may not be tech-savvy and provide them with convenient online services.

Accessible Services in Kolkata and Beyond

Several Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) offices house BSK centers, enhancing accessibility for residents. BSKs have already provided a substantial 11.5 crore services to 5.9 crore people, demonstrating their pivotal role in serving the community. Notably, BSKs witness a high turnout of electricity consumers due to a 1% discount offered on bill payments.

Facilitating Deed Searches and Stamp Duty Payment

Recognizing the challenges faced by individuals in obtaining their deeds, BSKs aim to simplify the process. In case of deed loss, citizens can conveniently search for them through BSKs. Additionally, the recent introduction of a trial-run for stamp duty payments has already seen a collection of Rs 45 lakh.

Citizen-Friendly Initiatives

BSKs play a crucial role in assisting migrant workers with their registrations, further contributing to citizen-centric services. The government’s efforts aim to streamline processes and enhance the overall experience for individuals availing these services.

Conclusion: Bridging Gaps in Public Services

The West Bengal government’s initiative to integrate Aadhaar enrolment, deed searching, and stamp duty payment within BSKs signifies a significant step toward efficient and accessible public services. As the centers evolve into multifunctional hubs, citizens can expect greater convenience in availing essential services.

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